Lee's Summit, CO 64086 (719) 464-4230

Xeriscape What Is Involved

Principles of Xeriscaping

A xeriscape was first coined by Denver Water in the ’80s by combining landscape with the Greek prefix “Xero means dry. And it should come as no big surprise that this concept came to life, as people living in very dry regions don’t have access to fresh water, which makes irrigation far more expensive and wasteful.

Denver Water not only came up with the term but developed some principles to help others adopt xeriscaping. Here is some of the main principles of xeriscaping:

Plan and design for water use

Before you plant anything, determine what the water resources will be for your landscape and how you can use them properly. You want to take into consideration also budget, function, aesthetics, and maintenance required.

Improving soil quality

Quality soil will retain moisture, which encourages plant growth. Incorporating organic matter will help to improve its quality. However, you first need to understand the type of soil that helps your plants to thrive. Some native plants will not need as much organic matter, while others can drown in soil when it has too much moisture.

Reducing turf and other plants

The main goal of xeriscaping is reducing water waste, which often means reducing the size of your lawn. Or, you should consider replacing yours with a more drought-tolerant grass that is better suited for your region. You can replace all or part of your lawn with some low-water groundcovers that require little to no fertilizer and water.

Choosing the right plants

Choose plants that are drought-tolerant, however, still have aesthetic appeal. Select plants also that are native to your region and will thrive in your climate. It is also recommended that you choose a good mixture of plants that are various heights that will bloom throughout the year.

For information pertaining to the xeriscape services and products that Presto Landscapes has to offer, please do not hesitate to dial this number (719) 464-4230 now, we are based in the Lee's Summit, CO area.

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